Due Dates for US Tax Returns

Preparing to file both your US expat returns and Canadian income tax returns at the same time can be challenging. Good news! Many individuals outside the US qualify for an automatic two-month extension on their US income tax returns. By filing the appropriate forms to request an extension, you may generally have until October 15th to file your return in many instances.

Keep in mind that due dates may be impacted by factors such as natural disasters, or weekends. Extensions of time to file do not include extensions of time to pay.

Some of the most common due dates for your US expat returns are shown below.

Individual Filing Deadline Extension Available? Revised Deadline on Extension
US individual in US April 15th Yes October 15th
US individual outside the US June 15th Yes October 15th
Non-US person without wages June 15th Yes October 15th
Non-US person with wages subject to withholding April 15th Yes October 15th
Foreign Bank Account Reporting (FBAR) April 15th Yes October 15th
US Person Foreign Trust Return March 15th Yes September 15th

Need Help from a Cross-Border Tax Accountant in Toronto or Oakville, Ontario?

Got US tax and Canadian tax compliance issues? Contact Cross-Border Financial Professional Corporation – When Perspectives Matter!

Karlene J. Mulraine, EA, CPA, CA, CPA (NH) is the President of Cross-Border Financial Professional Corporation. Follow us on Linkedin and Twitter, or hang out on Facebook.

The views expressed in this article are those of the author and should not be relied on to make decisions. Consider discussing your specific circumstances with an appropriate specialist.

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